Sunday 21 December 2014

What is Jealousy?

Blog Title:- What is Jealousy?
Blog Link:-
Reflections:-Ego is sense of yourself, which has been borrowed from the others. 

* I do not know myself directly. I am depending upon somebody else to tell me, ‘Who I am?’. My sense about myself is not coming from my own understanding but is borrowed.

* Jealousy comes from dependence. The one who is not dependent can not be jealous. The one who is his own master can not be jealous. To be jealous means that I have accepted somebody as my master and now I want this master to remain with me. If he goes to someone else then I feel a certain pain, and this pain is called jealousy.

All the Jealousy comes from insecurity and we are not secure because we have no connection with the Real Self. Amidst the masks and imagination we have come far away from the Real. And as there is no tethering with the centre we are very much like a football in the field. Till the time the mind gets the one and only secure place it will get all the kicks possible.

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