Friday, 17 July 2015

How money should one should have to be satisfied?

Satisfaction comes out of achieving something. Satisfaction is a demand. A demand that is never really met. You say, ‘I will be satisfied when I get something’. So, it is always conditional. There is a condition imposed, ‘If I get this I will be satisfied’.
So you are condemning yourself to torture. You are saying, ‘Keep me perpetually dissatisfied so that I may keep moving, like a rocket. Like a rocket, my back must always be on fire, only then I can move ahead.’ This is the way the entire world moves. ‘Why am I studying? So that I may not fail.’There is the fear of failure in examination, that is why I am studying.’ So what is the environment in which this studying is happening? The environment of fear. This is what happens to a man whose engine is dissatisfaction. But the world wants you to be dissatisfied so that you can move in ways that please the world. So, they’ll teach you, ‘Go ahead, get this! and unless you get this, you are worthless’. Unless you become somebody, you are not even worthy of love’. As I said that this is a very horrible way of living. This is slow torcher. All your life you are being kept dissatisfied. There is something more to be had, something more to achieve. And this is being given the name of progress, that this is progress. This is rubbish.
The alternate way, the real way of living is, ‘I am what I am. I am alright, now and always. Nothing can be added to me, nothing can be taken away from me. And in this feeling of wellness, of completeness, I do something. I do not do something in order to get something. I do something because I feel so good. I am feeling so good that I want to dance, and that dance comes out as a beautiful action. So something is happening, something beautiful is happening. It’s a very energetic dance, a very beautiful dance. And I am not obliged to keep dancing. I am not a professional dancer. I will stop when I want to stop. I am not dancing so that you may applaud me, I am dancing because I am feeling like it. Out of my contentment I am doing something. Not to get something else, not to be a super achiever’.
For Brief reading, you can go my blog, ‘Words into Silence’ ;
or you can watch this video:

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