Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Why marriage counseling has 80 percent failure when saving couples marriage?

Because there is no love. 

To understand 'Love', we need to firstly get rid of all the 'knowledge' we have so far had about love. 

We have been told that care, attachment, concern, togetherness, sameness, sacrifice etc. are what constitutes love. We have also been told that love is what happens 'between' two human beings, or 'between' a human being and something else. We have also been told that love is usually to be found in 'relationships' like mother-daughter, husband-wife etc. We have been told that when you are in love you miss your beloved. 

We have also been told that love is a nice-nice thing. All this is Wrong. False. Criminal. Love is not nice-nice. Love is Death. Utter death. 

Love can never be found in relationships. The day a relationship occurs, the possibility of love dies. A man can possibly be in love, but no husband can ever love his wife. A woman can be in love, but no mother can ever love her son. 

All this that you see in the name of love: care, concern, mamtaa , sacrifice - this is all false. Totally false. You have probably imagined that what we see in our 'decent' families is love. No, our families are totally devoid of love. Love can never occur in a family. 

Love does not require a beloved. When you are love, the whole existence is the Beloved.You can never miss the Beloved. You becomethe Beloved.Love is a wild flower. It grows in the fullness and deepness of dangerous jungles. It grows where the abundance of life is also the possibility of death. 

Love cannot be found in a decent gardenof a decent house maintained by a decent family.



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