Monday, 29 June 2015

How do I overcome my bad habit of comparing myself with others?

Since childhood, one thing that has been taught to all of us is quanitfying oneself. Height, weight, marks, complexion, how much one studies, how much one eats, how many friends, how many dresses, even how much one loves- the list is endless. 

And we have internalized that as something very important. That became our identity. So now there is salary, how big is house, how much EMIs, how many fb friends, how many likes etc. 

Notice what do they do to us? They make us finite, limited, measurable. 

Till the time you have any kind of  estimation of yourself, you will compare. 

Till the time there is any bit of  identification with this, till the time you have taken yourself as a  quantity that can be measured, estimated, a number that can be attached  to yourself, there is bound to be comparison, because numbers are meant  to be compared.

When the mind does not know the infinite, it lives in tiny-tiny, plural  finites. All of these are measurable. The mind continuously keeps taking  measure of all these. And because it is not living in the infinite,  because it is living in its own limited sense of self, so it is afraid  and it will compare.

The only one who does not compare is the one who lives in the infinite.
Now there can be no comparison, as  infinity cannot be compared. 

You will keep on measuring till the time you think you are finite and limited. 

So how not to measure yourself? 

By knowing yourself as infinite. How do you do that?

Don’t take the numbers seriously. Is that easy? actionable? Can  you start doing that? Don’t take seriously anything that can be  expressed in numbers. Interestingly, even emotions can be expressed in numbers. How many tears? ‘Twenty-five millilitres of water; more emotions.’How many minutes of anger? It can be numerically expressed. How many cups did you smash? In anger. 

Know what is that cannot be numerically expressed. Love and Joy. That which cannot be measured or expressed numerically is the taste of  infinite. So the infinite is not something far away, unattainable. It  is so close, so very close. 

Quality of life is not determined by numbers but by the aspects that are beyond numbers. One cannot measure peace, freedom, joy, beauty. 

This and many such questions have been answered at lengt in my blog- Words into Silence. I welcome you to read that for better clarity on various aspects of life.


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