Monday, 29 June 2015

How should I stop myself from useless thinking, and understand things better?

Dear Subham,
Thinking and understanding are not the same. What will you think about yourself? We all do keep thinking about ourselves. But what can that be? 
All your thoughts are a product of your conditioning, they come from outside. 

What the world has given you? Opinions, thoughts, religion, goals, targets, beliefs, that is all that you can think about yourself or others.
Understanding oneself is entirely different thing. In understanding oneself, one sees that one is thinking. Then one can say that I can see that I am thinking; and this is what understanding is. 
To understand is to see that my thoughts are actually borrowed opinions. But we do not understand that as we are busy in thinking. You are so caught in thinking, you are so full of opinions that you don’t understand things, you don’t understand yourself.
So what are you thinking about? 

Just as an example:
In the morning you came to the office and someone said, ‘Oh, you are looking very nice today’ and you started thinking that you are looking very nice today. And how do you know that you are nice? 
Because somebody else told you that. But you won’t understand that it makes you a slave of that person. The same fellow can come to you in afternoon and say, ‘You are looking such an idiot’. And because you accepted that you are looking nice, you would also have to accept that you are looking like an idiot. The gates will remain open.
Don’t you see that all your thinking is the product of external influences? Isn’t what the ego is? Isn’t it so?
When thoughts arise please understand them. 
Thoughts keep arising all the time. All the time someway we are thinking about ourselves. Even if we are thinking about others, we are thinking in relation to ourselves. So ultimately we are thinking about nobody but ourselves. See the stupidity of this thinking. Understand and that would be great.

You can read more talks on thinking and understanding on my blog. Type"Words Into Silence" in your search box.

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