Monday, 29 June 2015

Why is no one happy?


We say that our happiness is dependent on the presence of such and such  person, or the happening of such and such event. Correct? We say that we  will be happy when we get that result. So our happiness is a dependent  happiness. Right? Dependent on what? That result. 

When that result  comes, then we will be happy. Otherwise we cannot be happy. And till the  time that result does not come, how will we be? Sad. Because if  happiness is there in the result, then till the time the result is not  there, we cannot be happy.

  • Real happiness, on the other hand, does not depend. It is totally  internal to you. It is your own, intrinsic. Nobody can take it away,  nobody can give it to you.

If your happiness is dependent on something, you have to be sad to be  happy. 

Say, the result is about to be declared. You are greatly afraid  that you may fail in a particular subject. And you are nervous and  shivering. Now the result is declared, and you find that you have  passed. So you are very happy. 

  • The intensity of your happiness is  directly proportional to the intensity of your fear.

The more afraid you  are, the happier you will be. So to be happy you first have to be sad.  When your happiness is dependent upon the result, then to be happy you  first have to be sad.

We live  in sadness all the time, when that sadness is reduced, we call it  happiness. And if that sadness goes away, our happiness will also go  away. This is what dependent happiness is.

On the other hand, there is something  called self-sufficient happiness, the name for that is Joy. It does not  depend upon something. ‘When I will be rich, I will be happy. When I get  a girlfriend, then I will be happy. If my marks are this much, then I  will be happy.’ No, it does not depend on anything. It is there. It is  your intrinsic nature. And that joy is nothing but watchfulness, a  silent awareness. It is a very subtle thing. 

  • If you are attentive, you will be joyful. Joy is not about dancing  around and hopping. You can walk joyfully, you can sit joyfully. You can  listen joyfully. You can pray joyfully. You can even be sad joyfully.  If sadness is coming and you can see that it is coming, that seeing is  joy; that intelligence is the joy of existence.

Are you getting it? Please do not make  your happiness dependent upon other things. Please do not do that.  Whenever it comes to the mind that I will be happy when that happens,  reject that statement. It is false.


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