Monday, 1 June 2015

How to be confident and not care what others think of you?


Influences never come to influence you. The question is: how can the mind be free of influence? Does the influence come and say that I want to influence you? Go into this. There is a hoarding on the road. It is advertising something. Does it come and catch you by your throat and say that you must read it, and not only you must read it, you must also get influenced? Does it say that? It is there standing at its place. Influences don’t come to influence you.

You have a mind that is like a sponge waiting to be influenced. Differentiate between these two things. We all say that we want to get rid of influences. This mind is a hungry place that is demanding to be filled with influences, like a sponge, asking, “Can I have a drop of water so that I can absorb it?” Why is our mind of this quality that it is hungry for somebody to come? Why is our mind like a vacant drawing-room and we are standing at the door wanting somebody to come and fill our house? “My house is vacant. My house is empty. Can somebody come and please grace these chairs? My bedroom is waiting since thousand years, there is nobody to grace my bed. Can somebody please come?” Now there is nobody who is so eager to come. But like a beggar we are asking every passers-by, “Can you please come and sit in my house?”

Why is your mind permanently in off-season? And what happens in the season? The rooms are over-booked. Even if you want a room, you cannot get one. It is not about the tourists and their drivers. It is about the rooms being occupied. Are you getting this? The inner completeness must never be compromised. Not for a second must you believe that there is something missing in your life. But we have been trained to believe that way; that something great is missing in my life. And whatever is missing can be supplied by the world. When you were a kid, you were told that friends are missing from your life. After that you were told that marks are missing from your life. Later you were told that a reputed institution is missing from your life. Now you are told that a girlfriend is missing from your life. Then career is missing. Then money is missing. Then a grand-house is missing. Then kids and family are missing. But you are constantly being told that something is missing from your life. I am saying not for a second must you believe in this propaganda. There is nothing ever missing in your life. “I have a promotion but there is no need to congratulate me. Because if you’re congratulating me then you are also telling me that there was something wrong with me before promotion. Sorry! I was always okay. There is no need to come and give me gifts on my wedding anniversary. When I was a bachelor, I was joyful even then. There is no need to celebrate my anniversary. I am always okay. There is no need to have special days because everyday is special for me. So, there is no need to celebrate birthdays, and festivals and this and that and whatever. Everyday is festival for me.”

“I am always alright.” The one who lives in this realization will never be influenced, never. He will not be desperate. “Can you please come for a date with me? If not a date, at least an hour. If not an hour, just a few seconds. I’ll just click a pick and let everybody know that you are with me.”

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