Friday, 5 June 2015

What is the purpose of life?


Why does the mind ask this question? I am asking you to find out that why does the mind ask this question? Why does the mind raise this question? 

Mind thinks that life also must also have a result. And that result, you are calling by the name of ‘purpose’. That something is happening or I am doing something in my life and at some point in future there must be a result for this, a purpose which gives a result and upon attaining that I can say that I am successful. That is the language of the conditioned mind. Just as the mind seeks a result in every activity that it does, it also thinks that life inherently has a purpose. 

The brain only wants its continuation in time. That’s why every organism is eager to ensure its own survival.How? By eating and protecting itself first of all and secondly, by proliferating, by producing more and more kids. That is what the brain wants because the brain has been traveling in time and it also wants to continue traveling in time. 

This brain always exists in time and it is always projecting the future. What basis does it have to project the future? Just the past. So, while we keep thinking that we are dreaming of a new future and that’s what all of us think, we all want a new future,a great new future and we use terms like new ideas, new future.The fact of the matter is that all timely projections of the brain are based entirely upon the past and there is no new thought, no new idea, no new future. 

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